
ETH to BTC Exchange


About Ethereum

  • Name: Ethereum

  • Symbol: ETH

  • Circulating supply: 0 $

  • Max supply: 0 $

  • Price: 3Β 229,69 $

  • Volume 24h: $

  • Market Cap: 394.213 B $

  • Percent change 24h: -2,3 %

About Bitcoin

  • Name: Bitcoin

  • Symbol: BTC

  • Circulating supply: 0 $

  • Max supply: 0 $

  • Price: 102Β 354,03 $

  • Volume 24h: $

  • Market Cap: 2.056 T $

  • Percent change 24h: -3,3 %

ETH to BTC calculator

How to Convert ETH to BTC?

How to convert ETH to BTC? Using Godex services the procedure is elementary:

  1. On the Godex Home Page you can see the converter with the 2 fields, where the left one for the coin you want to sell and the right one for the coin you want to buy, respectively. Specify how much ETH to BTC are subject to exchange and see the outcome which appears automatically on the screen.
  2. Specify the correct BTC wallet address in the relevant sector of the converter, then we recommend you to make the final data check and only after to click the β€œExchange” button.
  3. For the beginning of the conversion, transfer the ETH amount you have prepared to sell to a deposit address which Godex generates automatically and wait for the verification from Godex in the form of the transaction ID.
  4. Beneficial exchange with Godex means that from the moment of the order creation till the end of the operation the ETH to BTC rate remains fixed.
  5. Check your BTC wallet in a couple of minutes to see the received BTC amount along with the order details and information on its duration.

Live ETH to BTC Price

Godex brings forth the live tracking of Ethereum Bitcoin rate changes. See here Ethereum to Bitcoin actual closing rates . With Godex you may find the actual Ehtereum  Bitcoin volume.

Convert ETH to BTC at the Best Rates

The conversion process with Godex takes into account the best rates of reputable and top-ranked  platforms such as Bitfinex, HITBtc, Binance. Godex has an advantage working with 200+ various altcoins which list is available on the company website as well as 4,0000+ trade pairs. Godex.io exchange service does not have any exchange limits and requirements for private data or record-keeping of its users. Customers are secured from the market fluctuations applying the exchange rate that will not get changed in the processing of transactions.

ETH BTC Exchange Benefits

  • According to the ratings in the recognized surveys, Godex is one of the best crypto exchange services on the market nowadays, working with any amounts, without limits. For regular and especially large customers, there is a special affiliate programme that helps save money.
  • Godex guarantees maximum protection of private information and anonymousness in the network.
  • Godex does not work with third parties, does not use incomprehensible exchange schemes and hidden fees and ensures transparency of transactions.
  • Qualified Godex.io support line is available 24\7.

ETH to BTC Price Details

If you want to proceed with ETH to BTC conversion, fill in the quantity for conversion and  please use the service of inbuilt Godex calculator,which quickly displays the BTC amount you are going to purchase.

For your information  please see the maximum exchange rate   and the minimum exchange rate. For the purpose of ensuring the optimal rate for the customers  Godex interacts with top reliable crypto exchanges in order to bring forth the relevant trading features along with exchange rate comparisons. 

How ETH to BTC calculator works

ETH to BTC calculator is a simple utility that converts the value of ETH amount into an equal amount of BTC.

Why then to use the online calculator on the Godex platform? The answer is  the following:

  • To get the current ETH to BTC price without unnecessary delays, without checking yourself;
  • In order to make quick decisions when converting Ether and Bitcoins and transactions with them;
  • In order to have an accurate idea of ​​the value of your assets simultaneously in ETH and BTC.

If some time has passed since the entry, the calculation can be repeated at the new current rate, simply by reloading the page. When the entered data is changed, the ETH to BTC converter displays automatically the best rate which is tracked on the reputable partners` platforms.

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Versus pairs


How to convert Ethereum to Bitcoin?

You can transfer Ether to Bitcoin via Godex  in a very favourable and simple way:

  • Just go to the Godex Home page with the online converter, select the required crypto pair on the inbuilt converter and enter the required amount of ETH for sale.and specify the correct BTC wallet details. 
  • Carefully check the exchange order, send the ETH amount to the deposit address which Godex creates automatically and then you may proceed with the conversion clicking the β€œExchange” button. High transaction speed and the absence of additional registrations and transfers make Godex very sought after  on the market.

Godex transactions are strictly confidential, fast and very reliable.

To minimize the risks of crypto market fluctuations and losses of the funds  Godex provides the customers with the fixed rate for the whole transaction fulfillment. Our service will easily assist you to convert any type of currency absolutely anonymously. Change ETH to BTC without any risk and on favorable terms from our partners. If you still failed to exchange Ether for Bitcoin, we recommend that you inform us about this case. If you have never changed digital coins before and you have problems with the exchange, please use our detailed instructions in the FAQ section or contact our highly skilled technical support 24/7.

What is ETH and BTC exchange pair?

Exchanging Ethereum to Bitcoin is a fairly common procedure. These are the two largest cryptocurrencies and if you make an exchange at the right time with Bitcoin and Ethereum it may become a winning game. Bitcoin has a smaller supply of coins and it has higher liquidity than Ethereum, but Ethereum has an advanced technology and wider usability than Bitcoin. In addition, such an exchange pair is often used for diversification of the investments and hedging the risks. For example, if the Ether rate is going down, and the Bitcoin rate is quite stable, then it makes sense to transfer at least part of the funds to BTC so as not to lose money in the course of the rate fall.

How to compare ETH and BTC?

Bitcoin and Ethereum are by far the most advanced and demanded cryptocurrencies. So, what is common in these ecosystems: Both are cryptocurrencies, they can be used as a means of payment for goods or services, and also transferred from sender to recipient, to some extent replacing the standard banking system. In addition, these digital coins can be bought and sold. Both are based on blockchain technology, in which all blocks with transactions are inextricably linked together into a single chain. They allow you to manage your own tokens without revealing the identity of the parties, i.e. maintain user anonymity. Both have a decentralized transaction confirmation mechanism, they do not depend on the failure of one or a number of nodes and are not regulated by any government regulatory authorities. Considering the moment that the rate of digital coins completely depends on the ratio of supply and demand, both crypts are highly volatile. Their course can change at times in a few weeks or even days. But that's where the similarities end and the differences between systems begin.

When choosing which is better, Bitcoin or Ethereum, you need to consider when and why these systems were created, otherwise the comparison will be incorrect. Bitcoin was launched back in 2009. It has become an alternative to traditional currencies such as the euro, dollar, ruble, yuan, yen. In fact, Bitcoin was the same money, only existing exclusively in electronic form, not subject to government influence and maintaining the anonymity of its owner. Such a cryptocurrency is needed by any individual or legal entity who wants to buy or sell any services or goods using it. At the same time, no one will be able to block his account, trace the origin of money and transactions with them. In addition, coins are stored in special electronic wallets and do not interact with the banking system.

If we consider what Ethereum is, then here we will see a completely different picture. This platform was launched in 2014 and its main purpose, unlike Bitcoin, was not just to provide another means of payment, but to give users a new unique offer. The ability to conclude smart contracts between parties based on decentralized applications on the platform allows blockchain to automatically check the execution of transactions by the parties excluding the human factor. It must be mentioned that it is also possible to create a smart contract on the Bitcoin network, but this is much more difficult due to the difficult programming language and offered tools.

What is the limit for ETH to BTC exchange?

Godex is a platform that allows users to exchange cryptocurrencies anonymously, unlimitedly and without registration in just a few easy steps. Our service is extremely desirable for large volumes of people because many people like to quickly exchange one type of cryptocurrency for another. It is either a quick response to changing market conditions, or simply because people prefer one cryptocurrency over another.

We do not have restrictions in terms of selling or buying BTC, ETH and other cryptocurrencies, we do not offer an exchange with excessively high commissions and we do not involve intermediaries in our work. Therefore, all services are provided quickly, efficiently and with the exception of delays.

Convert coins easy and fast!

With our fast, reliable, and simple converter, you can easily get coins at a good rate.