
Axie Infinity (AXS) exchange rate

Price for today

3,68 USD -2,09%

0,00004010 BTC -2,09%

Market Cap
590,614,570 $
Volume 24h
2,640,121 $
  • Name: Axie Infinity

  • Symbol: AXS

  • Circulating supply: 0 $

  • Max supply: 0 $

  • Price: 3,68 $

  • Volume 24h: 2640121 $

  • Market Cap: 590.615 M $

  • Percent change 24h: -2,1 %

About Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity is a platform that allows to earn tokens in a playful way and contribute to the ecosystem. Outwardly, it is a cartoon game about fantastic animals, but in fact it is a social platform and a work network. It uses NFT (non-fungible tokens) and, although it is still in its early stage, it ranks first among the NFT platforms on Ethereum. AXS token (ERC-20) is a management tool for Axie Infinity voting.

The purpose of this asset is to balance incentives for both players and developers. The mechanism pursues two main goals:

  • decentralized project management;
  • rewarding players and providing them with an incentive to use the platform and get extra bonuses.

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Axie Infinity (AXS) Exchange Rate

What are the two things people like to do most? Playing and earning money, obviously. Usually, these two things can be combined if you are into esports. But every day brings new opportunities, right? And Axie Infinity is an opportunity to make a living for those who like playing online games a lot. Let’s discuss Axie Infinity’s potential and whether it’s reasonable to invest in it.  

What Is Axie Infinity (AXS)?

Axie Infinity Shards are several things at the same time. Firstly, it is a management tool, which helps Axie Infinity operate correctly. In such cases, it is mentioned as an ERC-20 token. Also, it is a cartoon battle game about fantastic animals. Players communicate with each other online, battle, get new animals, raise and trade them. It also functions as a social platform, where gamers can earn tokens in a playful way and contribute to the ecosystem as a whole. 

To get started, follow these steps:

  • Step 1. Download a wallet where you can load AXS coin and ETH. Why ETH? As you know, the Axie ecosystem operates as a game, partly. For that, it uses NFT. And Axie ranks first among the NFT platforms on Ethereum. That is why it is better to download a wallet where ETH can be loaded.
  • Step 2. Download Ronin wallet.
  • Step 3. Deposit some ETH to Ronin.
  • Step 4. Using Axie Market, purchase at least three Axies – computer animals you will play with.
  • Step 5. On Axie’s official website, choose ‘Marketplace’ and log in.
  • Step 6. Download a game.
  • Step 7. Start playing and set battles with your computer animals.

Axie Infinity Price Live Data

AXS coin price is relatively small compared to other cryptocurrencies on the market. With 60.9 million AXS coins already in circulation, more than 200 million AXS coins still need to be mined by the members of the Axie community. The average price of one AXS coin cell is $4. Due to the high volatility, its price can change by 6-10% in 24 hours, up or down. 

How to Convert Axie Infinity

There are top five cryptocurrencies people usually convert AXS coins to:

  • BTC
  • XMR
  • ETH
  • LTC

If you decide to swap using Godex, this is what you need to do:

Step 1. Choose the cryptocurrency you want to convert (in the left field) and the cryptocurrency you want to convert to (in the right field).

Step 2. Enter the number of coins you wish to buy or sell. No need to fill both, the algorithm will do it automatically.

Step 3. Enter an address of a wallet you wish to send the coins to.

Step 4. Godex will generate a one-time link for you to deposit your coins. 

Step 5. The transaction begins; usually, it won’t take more than 30 minutes. If something goes wrong, we will send a user all required data and further instructions;

Step 6. After the transaction is complete, you may read our report. It is full of useful details about the length of transactions and exchange rates.

Can You Mine Axie Infinity?

As mentioned before, Axie Infinity operates as an online game. That is why to mine AXS coins, a person must play. Getting new characters, updating them, and participating in community voting ‒ all these actions let players get their reward as AXS coins. Later users can trade these coins for any other cryptocurrency they want.

Also, there are AXS holders. These people support the whole ecosystem of Axie Infinity by locking up their tokens and get rewarded with new AXS coins.


How Does Axie Infinity Work?

It operates as an NFT-based gaming network. It means that it uses tokens to power the system. To work correctly, you need to connect a digital wallet to the Axie Infinity system or create a new one if you don’t have it. 

Then, you can purchase your first Axie on the digital marketplace. Be aware that AXS coin price doesn’t affect the price for Axies, as it uses Ethereum tokens. So, make sure to have some ETH before starting a game. When you purchase several Axies, you can upgrade them, or join a battle with other members of the community.

What Makes Axie Infinity Unique?

Every cryptocurrency and system, which surrounds it, must have its own feature or several. More features - more uniqueness on the market. Lucky for us, Axie Infinity is quite an unusual system. Here are some facts:

  • The Axie Infinity token (ERC-20) is based on the Ethereum blockchain. Thus, it is secured by Ethereum’s POW mechanism;
  • Due to the high level of popularity of the Axie Infinity platform and the massive influx of users, the AXS coin volume reaches $25-30 million daily;
  • According to the current release schedule, 100% of AXS tokens will be in use in 2025-2026.

How Many Axie Infinity (AXS) Coins Are There In Circulation?

In June 2021, it was determined by CoinMarketCap that 60.9 M Axie Infinity are already circulating on the market. The total supply of Axie coins is 270.00 M. Still, the creators promise that by 2026, a new set of AXS coins will be released. But, as it doesn’t seem to happen soon, it already influences the price of a coin and also AXS coin volume, which gets only higher every new day.

Is Axie Infinity (AXS) a Good Investment?

There is no common say about the investment in Axie Infinity and its cryptocurrency. Is it good or bad? Answers differ.

AXS coin exchange rate and its price increased after the release of CNBC’s documentary film “Play-to-Earn.” It is a short film about players from the Philippines. These people joined the Axie Infinity universe after COVID-19 and got a chance to earn money to survive. This has led to an increase in the number of users of the platform in a short time.

Jeffrey Zirlin, Axie Infinity’s expert on growth, said that Axie had its own economy, and they believed in a GDP increase that would spur it.

Others criticize AXS for its high volatility. Still, it is only you who decide whether to invest in this coin or not. And, even if you don’t need it at some point, AXS coin exchange is always available for you.

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