About Monero
Name: Monero
Symbol: XMR
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 227,39 $
Volume 24h: $
Market Cap: 4.337 B $
Percent change 24h: 1 %
About Bitcoin
Name: Bitcoin
Symbol: BTC
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 91 998,273 $
Volume 24h: $
Market Cap: 1.917 T $
Percent change 24h: -3,5 %
Xmr to Btc calculator
How to Convert XMR to BTC?
If you are going to use XMR to BTC converter you may lead the next steps:
1st step - Choose XMR at the left field and BTC on the opposite side then set the XMR sum you need to sell. The calculator will synchronically compute the sum of Bitcoin you could receive.
2nd step - Copy and paste your Bitcoin wallet address. Start the XMR to BTC interchange process.
3rd step - Receive from our platform a deposit address where you could send the chosen amount of Monero. At the end we send you for review the order ID.
4th step - Monero to Bitcoin will be converted with the fixed rate for the transaction time.
5th step - Receive Bitcoin in your wallet and after that we will send you the order details and the possible measure of time it would take.
Live XMR to BTC Price
We come up with the live tracking of Monero Bitcoin alterations in price. It is possible to check the Monero Bitcoin real-time expiring rate.
Definitely it is possible to control and define the at-the-moment Monero Bitcoin volume during the whole day.
Convert XMR to BTC at the Best Rates
At Godex crypto exchange, we maintain 200+ cryptocurrencies and 40,000+ trade pairs. You can buy XMR with BTC at the expiring rate at Godex and it will certainly make your deal much easier and faster, as a result you won’t have any irritation at all.
In a real-time Godex system has the ability to track the top rates on the platforms Bitfinex, HITBtc, Binance etc., in order to maintain you with the best trade cognition on the fly. Our trade process is effortless and enormously fast.
Monero Vs Bitcoin Exchange Benefits
In fact, Godex has got and supports a huge amount of clients 24/7 in all the countries, where the mid transaction request is resolved in not more than 30 minutes. So, Godex is the only right decision for the crypto merchants and dealers. It will be managed from the first to the last step of the whole buying and selling process. You can buy XMR and BTC at the rival rate at Godex and enjoy a seamless crypto experience.
XMR to BTC Price Details
Today if you have a wish to sell 1 XMR to BTC the steps to follow will be very simple for you to understand how much Bitcoin you can obtain just at the moment you’ve converted 1 XMR with the help of Godex price calculator.
You would be aware of all the trading information on Godex, including exchange rate juxtaposition, XMR to BTC exchange real-time data and our suggestion of the best rates for your crypto transaction.
During the last 24 hours due to the XMR to BTC live, the XMR to BTC trade capacity gives you accurate data about the amount of this two cryptocoins being sold during the last 24 hours. It exactly shows the necessity of this exchange pair to be converted.
How XMR to BTC calculator works
You can obtain Bitcoin while selling Monero and also you could have such a possibility to monitor the actual price very easily with the help of XMR to BTC calculator.
While exchanging we’re recording the exchange rate of the selected pair of coins.
Trading with the fixed rate gives the green light to you in doing the operation with the expected rate that is displayed to the client at the time of deal’s creation. When a transaction is created, we fix the exchange rate to protect you from price fluctuations. Fixation remains if all the funds were obtained within 30 minutes after the trade has been created.
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How to convert Monero to Bitcoin?
If you need to exchange Monero in Bitcoin, lead the further steps:
1 – Coin and amount
To interchange XMR to BTC, firstly find the home page of the Godex.io, secondly elect Monero from the drop-down menu in “You Send” field and fill in the quantity of coins necessary to be converted.
In the “You Get” field you should elect Bitcoin from the drop-down menu and only in that case “You Get” field will inevitably count the amount of Bitcoin you could receive. At the end click the “Exchange” button.
2 – Starting exchange
When you elect a Monero Bitcoin exchange pair and the necessary sum of currency, denote your Bitcoin address in the “Destination” field. Then check all the information on the exchange pair very studiously, precisely on the orderliness of the Bitcoin address and only after it click the “Exchange” button.
3 – Waiting for deposit
You could get the Monero deposit address automatically with the help of which you need to send the XMR amount you want to exchange and then you will get the transaction ID.
4 – Confirmation
When XMR deposit is obtained and confirmed, Godex will immediately start to convert Monero to Bitcoin at the exact moment.
5 – XMR to BTC exchange process
Just on spot Godex will start searching for the top rate, tracked on the partner’s platforms like Binance, Bitfinex etc. after getting your XMR deposit. After the above procedure Godex will interchange Monero to Bitcoin using the fixed rate. So you are obtaining the exchanged sum of BTC to the recommended address in a few minutes.
6 – Exchange Completed
At the end of the exchange XMR to BTC process you will absolutely have the data particulars which include the time you spent on the whole trading process. If you have a wish to continue the process of exchanging Monero to Bitcoin, simply click the “Restart Exchange” and in order you face any technical errors, please click the “Support” button. Godex specialists will surely cope with your entire problem.
What is XMR and BTC exchange pair?
Monero to Bitcoin exchange pairs are very popular nowadays. Every second in the whole world lots of such transactions are performed. Monero confidently enters and holds the 10 most popular crypto coins, and Bitcoin, as the first crypto currency, is the most popular and one tops the list.
How to compare XMR and BTC?
Comparing Monero and Bitcoin you need to be informed about such specific features of the crypto currencies.
Speaking of transactions with Bitcoin, we can say that they are understandable and nationwide obtainable with all the necessary information about the sender and receiver. Although if you have some transactions with Monero, the sender address is difficult to track, because this address is one-off to each transaction you perform. Everyone knows that Monero is a changeable coin. That means each unit is replaceable and you won’t be able to distinguish given coins. Pointing out to Bitcoin, we can say that it's different; they could be very easily tracked if they are hacked on one of the exchanges. The hashing algorithmic process is different, it means Bitcoin uses SHA-256, in one time Monero uses CryptoNight, which is put to use individually for processors or GPUs.
Monero makes huge emphasis on transparency and visibility due to its main features. To ensure that the absolute number of proven transactions stays undetectable and unlikable, this beam coin offers an original and improved form of cryptography. Improved blockchain technology, a flawless encryption algorithm and an unlimited quantity of XMR have turned this crypto currency into an influential and well-known platform with a confident future and bright investment prospects for 2020-2021.
What is the limit for XMR to BTC exchange?
There are no limits for exchange amounts at Godex. So, you can take any desirable amount of Monero to convert it in Bitcoins. Also, we set no limits for the number of transactions per day, so you can do as many of them as you need.
Convert coins easy and fast!
With our fast, reliable, and simple converter, you can easily get coins at a good rate.