About Bitcoin
Name: Bitcoin
Symbol: BTC
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 95 417,3 $
Volume 24h: $
Market Cap: 1.917 T $
Percent change 24h: -1,3 %
About Monero
Name: Monero
Symbol: XMR
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 233,1 $
Volume 24h: $
Market Cap: 4.337 B $
Percent change 24h: -0,71 %
BTC to XMR Calculator
Godex.io offers a safe and anonymous way to trade cryptocurrencies, and one of the pairs it supports is BTC/XMR.
Therefore, if you're searching where to convert BTC to XMR, there's no better place to start than Godex.
The user-friendly BTC to XMR calculator is something that every newcomer will know how to use, thanks to its intuitive structure. Simply put, Godex made sure that everyone who ends up on the site will know how to convert Bitcoin to Monero without any prior trading knowledge.
How to Convert BTC to XMR?
The entire process can be summarized in three simple steps:
- Enter either Bitcoin or Monero amount to get the latest Bitcoin to Monero exchange rate (and vice versa);
- Input the address of your destination wallet. In other words, enter the public key that Godex should use to load the amount you're buying;
- Confirm the trade and deposit the currency you're selling.
Live BTC to XMR Price
The BTC to XMR exchange on Godex plays the central part in trading the famous pair. However, it's not the only thing that you'll encounter.
Today 23.02.2025 the price of Bitcoin is 95417.300000000000, while Monero is 233.100000000000.
If you look at the price history of these two coins, the BTC price changed by 0 in 1 day and by [Percent_change_7d_1] in 7 days. XMR changes: 1 day 0, 7 days [Percent_change_7d_2]
You'll also have an opportunity to explore the BTC to XMR chart. To be precise, you'll see how both of these currencies trade against the US dollar. This should help you prepare your trading strategy before using the BTC to Monero converter.
Convert Bitcoin to Monero at the Best Rates
If you're new to crypto trading, you're probably wondering how this Bitcoin to Monero calculator works. It's pretty simple: Godex monitors rates on popular crypto exchanges and offers you the ones that are the best for the given trading pair. The entire process cannot get more straightforward and faster than this.
BTC to XMR Exchange Benefits
Being a DEX, Godex.io comes with several benefits that you might like:
- Anonymity – All trades that you make on this platform are completely anonymous. You don't have to leave any sensitive data behind when using BTC to XMR converter, as Godex is considered an on-the-fly exchange;
- Fixed rates – When you start trading, prices of cryptocurrencies fluctuate, and many exchanges upset traders by not executing the trade at the suggested rate. Godex solved that by fixing the rate at the moment you initiate the trading process;
- No limits – Trade large amounts! There's no upper cap on how much you can swap on Godex's BTC to XMR exchange.
BTC to XMR Price Details
The world of cryptos is pretty volatile, meaning the value of Bitcoin and Monero changes almost every minute — if not every second. So there's no point talking about price details in this text. Instead, we'll encourage you to use Godex.io and find the latest information.
For example, if you want to convert 1 BTC to XMR, type 1 in the designated field and get the latest price info.
How Bitcoin to Monero Calculator Works
There's no magic wand that governs the way this BTC to XMR calculator works. It uses a straightforward underlying process that monitors rates on other popular exchanges and offers the best.
But here's one thing you might like to know — BTC and XMR aren't the only cryptos you can swap on Godex.
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Versus pairs
What is the limit for BTC to XMR exchange ?
Godex clients are not limited by the volume or number of transactions they want to make on the platform. This means that they can exchange any altcoins in any amount and as many times as needed. And all this is available without the need to go through identity verification, which is often required on other platforms.
What is BTC and XMR exchange pair?
There are all kinds of exchange pairs for cryptocurrencies out there. Every two cryptos that you can trade against each other make one such pair. The other popular name is “trading pair”.
Bitcoin and Monero are a trading pair. It means you can sell BTC to buy XRM or the other way around.
How to compare BTC and XMR?
The most convenient way to do this is to use Godex.io as your go-to calculator and enjoy the benefits of a simple and intuitive interface. If you want to learn more than just the latest trading pair's price, make sure to take a look at the BTC to XMR chart.
How long does it take to exchange BTC to XMR ?
The exchange time depends on several factors, including network congestion and bandwidth. In order for any transaction to be valid, it needs to receive several confirmations. On the Bitcoin network, it takes 10 minutes to receive one confirmation. Accordingly, the more confirmations are needed, the longer it will take. With normal network congestion, sending BTC and receiving XMR takes no more than half an hour.
You can reduce the time it takes to receive confirmation by increasing the transaction fee.
Convert coins easy and fast!
With our fast, reliable, and simple converter, you can easily get coins at a good rate.