Shentu (CTK) exchange rate
Price for today
0,742 USD 3,47%
0,00000768 BTC 3,47%
Name: Shentu
Symbol: CTK
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 0,74225 $
Volume 24h: 973631 $
Market Cap: 106.511 M $
Percent change 24h: 3,5 %
Price for today
0,742 USD 3,47%
0,00000768 BTC 3,47%
Name: Shentu
Symbol: CTK
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 0,74225 $
Volume 24h: 973631 $
Market Cap: 106.511 M $
Percent change 24h: 3,5 %
CertiK security platform, launches an over-secured CertiK Chain Blockchain network.
All CertiK Chain nodes run on CertiKOS. According to the developers, a similar system is used by military organizations to prevent hacker attacks. In addition, it uses its own virtual machine to ensure that formal verification is performed correctly.
All smart contracts will be endowed with cryptographic certificates that perform security checks. The contracts work in a special programming language DeepSEA, which is sponsored by the Ethereum Foundation and Qtum.
The token is used as a gas for smart contract transactions, network consensus betting, security Oracle network rewards, collateral and refunds for CertiKShield, and community voting for decentralized network governance.
Review the figure under for the flowing price relation of 1 certain CTK to the US dollar
Beneath there is a figure that presents all the deviations in the price of the coin from the point it comes in the market till at the moment. get moving through the figure you can eye what the price is Shentu and what it was on a concrete day.
The count of CTK coins that present are in gyre on the market as well as the total bound count of coins that will be able on the market in the upcoming, can be tracked on the figure. The count of coins that will be released into cycle is unrestricted.
In addition to Shentu mining there are different ways to take toreliablykens. You can quickly and comfortably trade any coin to CTK to It's anonymous and secure.
If you want to get any cryptocurrency with USD or other fiat money, you need to get Bitcoin on any cryptocurrency swaper where the function of buying BTC from a card is available. To do this, you need to go through the registration process.
In order to know what composes, draws up, makes up, puts together the significance of the CTK , it is important to know what is CTK and constantly follow the Shentu news.
Key indicators moreover to price of Shentu :
It allows you to track the dynamics of the trade relation.
The capitalization of all cryptos is the total price of all coins at the moment. The capitalization of the CTK currently is 106511373 USD. And it ranks Shentu in the ranking of all cryptos in terms of market cap.
Go to the exchange page on
If you want to exchange CTK to another cryptocurrency, then:
You may also exchange any crypto coin for the Shentu . But you may not to take CTK for USD or exchange Shentu to USD.
Godex ensures the lowest probable exchange fees to procure that your deals are not only fast, reliably, and anonymous, but also as profitable as feasible.
The easiest and fastest approach to trade a coin is to make an swap on the platform You haven’t to to register and confirm your personality. You may simply go to the site and trade the Shentu for one of the 300+ other coins.