
Tezos (XTZ) exchange rate

Price for today

0,763 USD -0,1%

0,00000919 BTC -0,1%

Market Cap
918,577,937 $
Volume 24h
2,144,080 $
  • Name: Tezos

  • Symbol: XTZ

  • Circulating supply: 0 $

  • Max supply: 0 $

  • Price: 0,7629 $

  • Volume 24h: 2144080 $

  • Market Cap: 918.578 M $

  • Percent change 24h: -0,1 %

About Tezos

Tezos is an open-source blockchain platform with the decentralized applications, like the Litecoin, managed by Swiss non-commercial organization. It is impossible to get XTZ by mining; it can be get as a reward only. 

Many additional features make Tezos unique. For example, the large community supports Tezos in the Internet. Taking in attention this fact, some analysts see the high potential of this currency.

Top Exchanges:

Tezos price index 

Check the chart underneath for the running value relation of one selfsame XTZ  to the US dollar 

XTZ history price graphic

Under  there is a chart that showcases all the deviations in the value of the coin from the momentum it comes in the market till currently. get moving through the chart you may behold what the value is Tezos and what it was on a specific day.

Circulation of Tezos

The tally of XTZ coins that now  are in handling on the market as well as the total margin tally of coins that will be able on the market in the times to come, may be tracked on the chart. The tally of coins that will be released into return is boundless.

Ways of buying XTZ

Furthermore to Tezos mining there are different ways to have toreliablykens. You may quick and cozily change any crypto to XTZ to Godex.io. It's anon and foolproof.

If you want to buy any crypto with USD or other fiat money, you need  to buy Bitcoin on any crypto exchanger where the function of buying BTC from a card is available. To do this, you need to go through the registration process. 

Tezos  value statistics

In order to find out what composes, draws up, makes up, puts together the meaning of the XTZ , it is significant to find out what is XTZ and permanently follow the Tezos  news.

Key detector additionally to value of Tezos :

  • Volume 24h: 2144080 $
  • Percent change 24h: -0.10  %

It admits you to track the dynamics of the change relation.

XTZ capitalization

The capitalization of all cryptos is the total value of all coins at the moment. The capitalization of the XTZ at the present time is 918577937 USD. And it ranks Tezos in the ranking of all cryptos in terms of market cap.


How to change Tezos ?

Go to the exchange page on Godex.io.

If you want to exchange XTZ to  another crypto, then:

  • select the “send” Coin and the count you want to exchange in the left window. And in the right “get” window, pick the coin you want to get. Enter the address of your wallet where coins will be sent and click the button “exchange”.
  • Next, you will get a wallet where you need to send the given count of exchanged coins. You need to convert the given count of Tezos there.
  • After confirming the sending, the exchange process will start. At the time of the bargain Godex.io freezes the exchange rate.
  • After completing the trade and receiving the coins to your wallet, you will get data about the trading prosess.

You may also exchange any crypto coin for the Tezos . But you may not to take XTZ for USD or exchange Tezos to USD.

What will be the commission for buying XTZ ?

Godex ensures the lowest possible swap fees to assure that your bargains are not only fast, secure, and anonymous, but also as profitable as feasible.

How Can You Convert Tezos ?

The easiest and fastest method to covert a coin is to make an coverting on the platform Godex.io. You don’t need  to register and confirm your personality. You may directly go to the site and covert the  Tezos for 1 of the 300+ other cryptocurrencies.

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