IDEX (IDEX) exchange rate
Price for today
0,036 USD -1,55%
0,00000039 BTC -1,55%
Name: IDEX
Symbol: IDEX
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 0,036355 $
Volume 24h: 777555 $
Market Cap: 36.276 M $
Percent change 24h: -1,6 %
Price for today
0,036 USD -1,55%
0,00000039 BTC -1,55%
Name: IDEX
Symbol: IDEX
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 0,036355 $
Volume 24h: 777555 $
Market Cap: 36.276 M $
Percent change 24h: -1,6 %
IDEX is an internal token of the hybrid crypto exchange of the same name, operating on a combination of centralized and decentralized management principles. IDEX is the first decentralized smart contract exchange based on Ethereum that supports real-time trading and has a high throughput. The company will provide 1,400,000 IDEX tokens per week to increase liquidity, and the incentive program will encourage regular user activity. The current coin rating is 352, with a real market capitalization of $106,959,773. The IDEX coin runs on the PoS algorithm and cannot be mined.
IDEX is quite demanded crypto, which is now presented on numerous leading crypto exchanges, including Godex.
IDEX was developed for rapid, inexpensive and secure payments utilizing the advantages of blockchain technology.
The actual IDEX price is 0.03635500 with a day-to-day trading volume of 777555. The circulating coin supply is 0 IDEX and it has a maximum supply of 0 IDEX coins.
You can obtain the IDEX by mining, participating in an affiliate program or by staking. You can also acquire it for other crypto currency you have got.
At present, as a result of the growth of interest in IDEX, there are quite a few services where you can fast and securely exchange it for other cryptocurrencies.
To exchange IDEX, select an exchange platform that supports the required currency pair.
At the moment, more than 300 diverse coins and tokens are available on, which can be exchanged for IDEX without restrictions on the amount.
Follow basic instruction to exchange IDEX:
This same instruction can be used for bargains involving different altcoins.
The entire exchange process generally takes no more than a few minutes.
Go to the exchange page on
If you want to swap IDEX to another crypto, then:
You may also swap any crypto for the IDEX . But you may not to buy IDEX for USD or swap IDEX to USD.
Godex provides the lowest possible change fees to ensure that your swaps are not only fast, reliably, and anonymous, but also as profitable as possible.
The easiest and fastest way to swap a coin is to make an swap on the platform You don’t need to register and confirm your personality. You may just go to the site and swap the IDEX for 1 of the 300+ other cryptos.