Wanchain (WAN) exchange rate
Price for today
0,147 USD -1,33%
0,00000155 BTC -1,33%
Name: Wanchain
Symbol: WAN
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 0,147385 $
Volume 24h: 228190 $
Market Cap: 30.926 M $
Percent change 24h: -1,3 %
Price for today
0,147 USD -1,33%
0,00000155 BTC -1,33%
Name: Wanchain
Symbol: WAN
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 0,147385 $
Volume 24h: 228190 $
Market Cap: 30.926 M $
Percent change 24h: -1,3 %
Wanchain is a decentralised platform founded in 2017 by Jack Lu. The project strives to create an “improved financial market” by bridging various digital assets with the help of a smart blockchain-based architecture. With its multi-chain functionality, smart contract ecosystem and privacy features, the platform connects and supports the value transfer between several blockchains in a distributed manner. Wanchain can easily integrate different blockchains and establish meaningful connections among various ledgers in order to carry out inter-ledger operations with assets.
Review the delineation under for the actual price proportion of 1 the very WAN to the US dollar
Lower there is a delineation that shows all the variations in the price of the coin from the point it comes in the mart till at the moment. Moving through the delineation you can descry what the price is Wanchain and what it was on a certain day.
The ante of WAN coins that at the present time are in circulation on the mart as well as the total range ante of coins that will be able on the mart in the aftertime, can be tracked on the delineation. The ante of coins that will be released into circulation is unbounded.
Furthermore to Wanchain manufacture there are not the same ways to have coins. You can soon and conveniently swap any cryptocurrency to WAN to Godex.io. It's anon and foolproof.
If you want to take any coins with USD or other fiat money, you should to take Bitcoin on any coins exchanger where the function of buying BTC from a card is available. To do this, you should to go through the registration process.
In order to find out what composes, draws up, makes up, puts together the significance of the WAN , it is considerable to find out what is WAN and invariably follow the Wanchain news.
Key indicators additionally to price of Wanchain :
It permits you to track the dynamics of the swap proportion.
The capitalization of all cryptos is the total price of all coins at the moment. The capitalization of the WAN currently is 30926231 USD. And it ranks Wanchain in the ranking of all cryptos in terms of market cap.
Go to the exchange page on Godex.io.
If you want to trade WAN to another cryptocurrency, then:
You can also trade any crypto coin for the Wanchain . But you can not to gain WAN for USD or trade Wanchain to USD.
Godex affords the lowest probable covert fees to guarantee that your deals are not only fast, reliably, and anonymous, but also as profitable as possible.
The easiest and fastest way to swap a coin is to make an swap on the platform Godex.io. You don’t need to register and confirm your personality. You may simply go to the site and swap the Wanchain for one of the 300+ other coins.