Wirex (WXT) exchange rate
Price for today
0,003 USD -1,22%
0,00000000 BTC -1,22%
Name: Wirex
Symbol: WXT
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 0,003076 $
Volume 24h: 442640 $
Market Cap: 33.637 M $
Percent change 24h: -1,2 %
Price for today
0,003 USD -1,22%
0,00000000 BTC -1,22%
Name: Wirex
Symbol: WXT
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 0,003076 $
Volume 24h: 442640 $
Market Cap: 33.637 M $
Percent change 24h: -1,2 %
Wirex fintech startup was created in 2014 in London by entrepreneurs and banking expatriates. They have developed a solution that can be used to pay with both fiat currencies (US dollar, euro, etc.) and cryptocurrencies. The application allows you to transfer money to different countries in a matter of minutes without fuss with documents, sky-high commissions and losses on the difference in exchange rates.
WXT is an internal Wirex token, created on the basis of Stellar blockchain technology, which makes it possible to use it outside the platform. The company's internal token gives customers the opportunity to receive various bonuses when working with a product, having access to fast and efficient payments.
The main goal of WXT is to help the growing communities of b2c and b2b users save on fees. Each WXT user can get up to 50% discount on exchange fees, monthly account management fees, bank transfers, ATM fees, token hosting fees and blockchain transfers. Also, customers have access to the accumulation of bonuses that can be used as cashback in certain store chains. The entire volume of tokens is clearly distributed taking into account risks. This provides protection against any unforeseen interference.
WXT tokens which are pegged to traditional currencies are used to tokenize all currencies on the platform.
Wirex is fairly popular token, which is now provided on many leading crypto exchanges, including Godex.
WXT was created for speedy, inexpensive and safe transactions applying the advantages of blockchain technology.
The current Wirex price is 0.00307600 with a daily trading volume of 442640. The circulating coin supply is 0 WXT and it has a maximum supply of 0 WXT coins.
You can acquire the WXT by mining, participating in an affiliate program or by staking. You can also purchase it for other digital money you have got.
Currently, due to the increase of interest in WXT, there are quite a few services where you can quickly and without risk exchange it for other cryptocurrencies.
To exchange WXT, choose an exchange platform that offers the required currency pair.
Right now, more than 300 various coins and tokens are available on Godex.io, which can be exchanged for WXT without limits on the amount.
Follow plain instruction to exchange Wirex:
This same guideline can be applied to exchanges involving different cryptos.
The entire trade process usually takes no more than a few minutes.
Go to the exchange page on Godex.io.
If you want to change WXT to another coin, then:
You may also change any coin for the Wirex . But you may not to have WXT for USD or change Wirex to USD.
Godex affords the lowest probable trade fees to assure that your trades are not only fast, safe, and anonymous, but also as profitable as possible.
The easiest and fastest method to trade a coin is to make an swap on the platform Godex.io. You shouldn’t to register and confirm your personality. You may just go to the site and trade the Wirex for 1 of the 300+ other cryptos.