VIM (VIZ) exchange rate
Price for today
0 USD 5,33%
0,00000000 BTC 5,33%
Name: VIM
Symbol: VIZ
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 0,0001166 $
Volume 24h: 1545 $
Market Cap: 0 $
Percent change 24h: 5,3 %
Price for today
0 USD 5,33%
0,00000000 BTC 5,33%
Name: VIM
Symbol: VIZ
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 0,0001166 $
Volume 24h: 1545 $
Market Cap: 0 $
Percent change 24h: 5,3 %
VIM introduces a novel "Quest to Earn" concept in the social media sphere, leveraging blockchain tech to reward content creators and participants. The project's native token, VIZ, operates on the BEP-2 standard, serving as the ecosystem's lifeblood. VIM's structure mimics a digital playground where "Zimmers" (aspiring influencers) and "Vimmers" (ecosystem contributors) interact through quest completion and content creation. The platform's unique NFTs, Vanters and Rainbow Goggles, act as gateways to quests and enhanced rewards. With a roadmap encompassing a Social Media Academy and e-commerce integration, VIM aims to revolutionize online engagement while offering transparent, decentralized governance through its 5 billion VIZ token supply.
VIM is quite popular cryptocurrency among merchants, ordinary users and investors who purchase it for long-term profit. Correspondinglyowners can use VIZ for everyday payments, trade and investment.
As of the 22.02.2025, 1 VIZ can be obtained for 0.00011660. Examine our VIZ price chart to see how its value has changed over time.
VIM cryptocurrency can be bought on one of the many credible exchanges such as Godex. When choosing an exchange to obtain VIZ, always pay attention to its reputation.
There are several options and ways to save VIZ. To save a large quantity of cryptocurrency, hardware-type wallets such as Ledger and Trezor are appropriate. If you intend to use VIZ for trading or paying daily outgoings, then a hot wallet (mobile or desktop) would be the correct option. When choosing a wallet, pay attention to its defensive properties and usability.
You can get VIZ with other cryptos available on crypto exchanges. On most crypto exchanges, you are required to pass the registration process and deposit the needed amount of cryptocurrency to purchase VIZ.
Naturally, you will need to check that you have a VIM wallet ahead of time to safely hold your crypto assets.
Profit from trading VIM to another crypto asset depends on the coin value during the exchange. If it is high, it may be time to sell or exchange the coin. It is believed to track the coin price chart to compare VIZ to usd. VIZ analysis presented by crypto experts and forecast will also help to judge the prospects for a deal.
VIM itself is safe. Investing in it carries equal dangers as investing in any other cryptocurrency. Nevertheless, you can prevent the risks by trading on trustworthy crypto exchanges and using a trustworthy wallet to store VIM.