Elastos (ELA) exchange rate
Price for today
1,639 USD 0,72%
0,00001705 BTC 0,72%
Name: Elastos
Symbol: ELA
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 1,6394 $
Volume 24h: 17838 $
Market Cap: 40.269 M $
Percent change 24h: 0,72 %
Price for today
1,639 USD 0,72%
0,00001705 BTC 0,72%
Name: Elastos
Symbol: ELA
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 1,6394 $
Volume 24h: 17838 $
Market Cap: 40.269 M $
Percent change 24h: 0,72 %
Launched by Rong Chen in 2019, Elastos positions itself as a decentralised and safe Internet infrastructure provider. The project aims to build a blockchain-based trustworthy internet that empowers digital human rights and safe transactions. Elastos utilizes internet as the first-level infrastructure and differentiates network cooperations from app computing. The platform restraints applications from accessing the network directly in order to prevent hacker attacks. Elastos can also be mined to improve energy performance and increase the platform security. The project has also added sidechains to enhance the security layer for all Elastos users.
Test the drawing beneath for the actual worth interrelation of one certain ELA to the US dollar
Below there is a drawing that presents all the variations in the worth of the coin from the time it penetrates the emporium till nowadays. get moving through the drawing you can watch what the worth is Elastos and what it was on a peculiar day.
The sum of ELA coins that at the moment are in cycle on the emporium as well as the total scope sum of coins that will be able on the emporium in the future, can be tracked on the drawing. The sum of coins that will be released into return is indefinite.
Furthermore to Elastos manufacture there are other ways to have coins. You can prompt and conveniently exchange any coin to ELA to Godex.io. It's authorless and foolproof.
If you want to obtain any cryptocurrency with USD or other fiat money, you have to to obtain Bitcoin on any cryptocurrency exchanger where the function of buying BTC from a card is available. To do this, you have to to go through the registration process.
In order to find out what composes, draws up, makes up, puts together the significance of the ELA , it is weighty to find out what is ELA and constantly follow the Elastos news.
Key detector besides to worth of Elastos :
It admits you to track the dynamics of the exchange interrelation.
The capitalization of all coins is the total worth of all coins at the moment. The capitalization of the ELA at present is 40269191 USD. And it ranks Elastos in the ranking of all coins in terms of market cap.
Go to the exchange page on Godex.io.
If you want to exchange ELA to another crypto, then:
You can also exchange any cryptocurrency for the Elastos . But you can not to obtain ELA for USD or exchange Elastos to USD.
Godex provides the lowest possible change fees to assure that your transactions are not only fast, safe, and anonymous, but also as profitable as possible.
The easiest and fastest approach to covert a coin is to make an swap on the platform Godex.io. You don’t need to register and confirm your personality. You can just go to the site and covert the Elastos for one of the 300+ other cryptos.