Kusama (KSM) exchange rate
Price for today
19,597 USD 3,11%
0,00020363 BTC 3,11%
Name: Kusama
Symbol: KSM
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 19,596667 $
Volume 24h: 545577 $
Market Cap: 328.304 M $
Percent change 24h: 3,1 %
Price for today
19,597 USD 3,11%
0,00020363 BTC 3,11%
Name: Kusama
Symbol: KSM
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 19,596667 $
Volume 24h: 545577 $
Market Cap: 328.304 M $
Percent change 24h: 3,1 %
Kusama is a scalable multi-chain network for integrating innovation and early deployment of Polkadot. The Polkadot project was developed, among other things, by the Web3 Foundation. The organization promised members of the Kusama community to allocate 1% of the total DOT emissions. So that, the ownership of KSM tokens may mean in the future the receipt of DOT tokens, the growth of which has also been very impressive lately. The Kusama blockchain protocol, which plays the role of a testnet of the Polkadot project, switched to a decentralized PoS algorithm, which replaced the centralized PoA, supported by the coders of the Web3 Foundation free of charge.
However, Kusama is not a testnet because it operates in a real live environment and has real value. KSM as a native coin of the Kusama network is used to power the network.
Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood is behind the Polkadot and Kusama project, his idea of parachains has already attracted more than $ 1 billion in investors` funds. The launched network will increase the value of altcoins if it solves the problem of the universality of crypto technologies by linking them into a common operating environment.
Test the figure underneath for the actual valuation correlation of 1 token KSM to the US dollar
Below there is a figure that displays all the deviations in the valuation of the coin from the moment it penetrates the market till currently. get moving through the figure you may see what the valuation is Kusama and what it was on a distinct day.
The amount of KSM coins that currently are in gyre on the market as well as the total bound amount of coins that will be able on the market in the future, may be tracked on the figure. The amount of coins that will be released into conversion is boundless.
In addition to Kusama mining there are different ways to receive coins. You may prompt and easy swap any cryptocurrency to KSM to Godex.io. It's anon and safe.
If you want to receive any coins with USD or other fiat money, you have to to receive Bitcoin on any coins coverter where the function of buying BTC from a card is available. To do this, you have to to go through the registration process.
In order to get at what composes, draws up, makes up, puts together the significancy of the KSM , it is weighty to get at what is KSM and always follow the Kusama news.
Key detector in addition to valuation of Kusama :
It lets you to track the dynamics of the swap correlation.
The capitalization of all cryptocurrencies is the total valuation of all coins at the moment. The capitalization of the KSM currently is 328304144 USD. And it ranks Kusama in the ranking of all cryptocurrencies in terms of market cap.
Go to the exchange page on Godex.io.
If you want to exchange KSM to another coin, then:
You can also exchange any coin for the Kusama . But you can not to buy KSM for USD or exchange Kusama to USD.
Godex affords the lowest probable swap fees to provide that your transactions are not only fast, foolproof, and anonymous, but also as profitable as possible.
The easiest and fastest method to covert a coin is to make an exchange on the platform Godex.io. You don’t need to register and confirm your personality. You may simply go to the site and covert the Kusama for one of the 300+ other coins.