
Tranchess (CHESS) exchange rate

Price for today

0,124 USD 5,09%

0,00000274 BTC 5,09%

Market Cap
24,496,698 $
Volume 24h
442,540 $
  • Name: Tranchess

  • Symbol: CHESS

  • Circulating supply: 0 $

  • Max supply: 0 $

  • Price: 0,12382 $

  • Volume 24h: 442540 $

  • Market Cap: 24.497 M $

  • Percent change 24h: 5,1 %

About Tranchess

Tranchess introduces an innovative approach to crypto asset management in the DeFi space. The protocol features a tiered token system QUEEN, BISHOP, and ROOK tailored to diverse risk appetites within the Bitcoin ecosystem. Central to Tranchess is the CHESS token, driving governance and incentives. The platform enables participation in Bitcoin-related yields without direct exposure to its volatility. By integrating concepts like tranched risk management from conventional finance, Tranchess aims to broaden DeFi's appeal. The protocol's unique feature is its community-driven reward allocation mechanism, distinguishing it in the decentralized finance landscape and potentially attracting a wider range of investors.

Top Exchanges:

Short overview of Tranchess

Tranchess  is quite demanded cryptocurrency, which is now presented on various main crypto exchanges, such as Godex.

CHESS was created for fast, low-priced and safe payments applying the benefits of blockchain technology. 

The current Tranchess price is 0.12382000 with a day-to-day trading volume of 442540. The circulating coin supply is 0 CHESS and it has a maximum supply of 0 CHESS coins.

You can obtain the CHESS by mining, participating in an affiliate program or by staking. You can also purchase it for other altcoin you have got.

CHESS exchange to another cryptocurrencies

At present, owing to the growth of interest in CHESS, there are quite a few services where you can immediately and securely exchange it for other cryptocurrencies.

To exchange CHESS, decide on an exchange platform that provides the required currency pair. 

Currently, more than 300 different coins and tokens are available on Godex.io, which can be swapped for CHESS without restrictions on the amount.

Follow clear instruction to exchange Tranchess:

  1. On the home page, use a handy coin converter. Pick out the CHESS and write down the amount on the left. Pick out the name of the cryptocurrency you want on the right. If the rate proposed by the exchange is profitable, click the “Exchange” button.
  2. Write your wallet address, where the funds will be directed after the transaction is confirmed.
  3. Send the requisite amount of CHESS to the given address.
  4. After the exchange gets CHESS, a transaction is completed and you get a new crypto to your wallet.

This same guideline can be used for transactions involving different digital currencies.

The entire trade process usually takes no more than a few minutes.


How to change Tranchess ?

Go to the exchange page on Godex.io.

If you want to exchange CHESS to  another crypto, then:

  • select the “send” Coin and the count you want to exchange in the left window. And in the right “get” window, select the coin you want to take. Enter the address of your wallet where coins will be sent and click the button “exchange”.
  • Next, you will take a wallet where you should to send the specified count of exchanged coins. You should to convert the specified count of Tranchess there.
  • After confirming the sending, the exchange process will begin. At the time of the trade Godex.io freezes the exchange ratio.
  • After completing the trade and receiving the coins to your wallet, you will take data about the exchanging prosess.

You may also exchange any coin for the Tranchess . But you may not to buy CHESS for USD or exchange Tranchess to USD.

What will be the commission for buying CHESS ?

Godex affords the lowest probable covert fees to provide that your bargains are not only fast, safe, and anonymous, but also as profitable as possible.

How Can You Convert Tranchess ?

The easiest and fastest approach to swap a coin is to make an exchange on the platform Godex.io. You don’t need  to register and confirm your identity. You may just go to the site and swap the  Tranchess for one of the 300+ other coins.

Versus pairs