Bone ShibaSwap (BONE) exchange rate
Price for today
0,291 USD 1,96%
0,00000000 BTC 1,96%
Name: Bone ShibaSwap
Symbol: BONE
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 0,2913 $
Volume 24h: 103136 $
Market Cap: 69.179 M $
Percent change 24h: 2 %
Price for today
0,291 USD 1,96%
0,00000000 BTC 1,96%
Name: Bone ShibaSwap
Symbol: BONE
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 0,2913 $
Volume 24h: 103136 $
Market Cap: 69.179 M $
Percent change 24h: 2 %
BONE, the Bone ShibaSwap token, is the factor of governance for the entire Shiba Inu ecosystem. BONE grants the Shib Army members the power to vote on decentralized activities and the growth of the platform. It was designed as part of the internally-contained ShibaSwap DEX to enable consumers to participate in managing the platform’s possibilities, even in terms of NFTs and the launch of new tokens. However, BONE serves as a vital tool for token usage, as it plays dual roles: first as a portion of the liquidity provider’s reward and second as a stakeable resource to generate yield. BONE’s role in governance and utility incentives will ensure consumer commitment to ecosystem growth, boosting an already sturdy decentralized governance mechanism through extensive community engagement.
Bone ShibaSwap is quite demanded cryptocurrency among merchants, ordinary users and investors who acquire it for long-term accumulation. Henceholders can use BONE for everyday payments, trading and investment.
As of the 21.02.2025, 1 BONE can be bought for 0.29130000. Examine our BONE price chart to see how its value has changed lately.
Bone ShibaSwap cryptocurrency can be bought on one of the many credible exchanges such as Godex. When choosing an exchange to acquire BONE, always take into account its name.
There are several places and ways to store BONE. To store a large number of cryptocurrency, hardware-type wallets such as Ledger and Trezor are suitable. If you want to use BONE for trading or paying everyday outgoings, then a hot wallet (mobile or desktop) would be the proper option. When choosing a wallet, take into account its safety properties and serviceability.
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If you want to trade BONE to another crypto, then:
You may also trade any cryptocurrency for the Bone ShibaSwap . But you may not to get BONE for USD or trade Bone ShibaSwap to USD.
Godex ensures the lowest probable swap fees to provide that your bargains are not only fast, reliably, and anonymous, but also as profitable as possible.
The easiest and fastest approach to swap a coin is to make an exchange on the platform You shouldn’t to register and confirm your personality. You may simply go to the site and swap the Bone ShibaSwap for 1 of the 300+ other cryptocurrencies.