Highstreet (HIGH) exchange rate
Price for today
1,505 USD 6,08%
0,00001421 BTC 6,08%
Name: Highstreet
Symbol: HIGH
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 1,5045667 $
Volume 24h: 1239216 $
Market Cap: 99.614 M $
Percent change 24h: 6,1 %
Price for today
1,505 USD 6,08%
0,00001421 BTC 6,08%
Name: Highstreet
Symbol: HIGH
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 1,5045667 $
Volume 24h: 1239216 $
Market Cap: 99.614 M $
Percent change 24h: 6,1 %
Highstreet (HIGH) represents a cutting-edge fusion of virtual reality gaming and e-commerce within the cryptocurrency space. This metaverse platform offers users an immersive MMORPG experience where in-game achievements translate to tangible rewards. HIGH tokens serve dual purposes: facilitating governance through voting mechanisms and providing staking opportunities. Complementing HIGH, the STREET token acts as the primary in-game currency.
Co-founded by Travis Wu and Jenny Guo, Highstreet aims to redefine online retail by creating a seamless bridge between digital and physical marketplaces. The platform's innovative use of NFT technology for product authentication and its implementation of bonding curves for price discovery set it apart in the blockchain gaming landscape.
Highstreet is quite interesting crypto among merchants, ordinary users and investors who buy it for long-term gain. Accordinglyholders can use HIGH for day-by-day payments, business and holding.
As of the 17.01.2025, 1 HIGH can be purchased for 1.50456667. Examine our HIGH price chart to see how its value has changed over time.
Highstreet cryptocurrency can be bought on one of the many trusty exchanges such as Godex. When choosing an exchange to acquire HIGH, always consider its reputation.
There are several places and methods to keep HIGH. To keep a large amount of tokens, hardware-type wallets such as Ledger and Trezor are appropriate. If you intend to use HIGH for trading or paying regular outgoings, then a hot wallet (mobile or desktop) would be the correct option. When choosing a wallet, consider its defensive properties and usability.
Go to the exchange page on Godex.io.
If you want to covert HIGH to another coin, then:
You may also covert any crypto for the Highstreet . But you may not to obtain HIGH for USD or covert Highstreet to USD.
Godex affords the lowest probable change fees to provide that your swaps are not only fast, reliably, and anonymous, but also as profitable as possible.
The easiest and fastest way to exchange a coin is to make an change on the platform Godex.io. You shouldn’t to register and confirm your personality. You can just go to the site and exchange the Highstreet for one of the 300+ other cryptos.