What is Beam (Formerly Merit Circle)?
Beam (Formerly Merit Circle) is quite popular cryptocurrency among traders, ordinary users and investors who acquire it for long-term gain. Correspondinglyowners can use BEAMX for day-by-day payments, trade and investment.
What is BEAMX price today?
As of the 03.03.2025, 1 BEAMX can be bought for 0.00828500. Check out our BEAMX price chart to see how its value has changed these days.
Where can I buy Beam (Formerly Merit Circle)?
Beam (Formerly Merit Circle) cryptocurrency can be bought on one of the many reliable exchanges such as Godex. When choosing an exchange to acquire BEAMX, always take into account its reputation.
Where is BEAMX kept?
There are a few places and ways to keep BEAMX. To keep a large number of coins, hardware-type wallets such as Ledger and Trezor are appropriate. If you want to use BEAMX for trading or paying daily expenditures, then a hot wallet (mobile or desktop) would be the proper option. When choosing a wallet, take into account its protective properties and user-friendliness.