About Ethereum
Name: Ethereum
Symbol: ETH
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 2Β 089,5033 $
Volume 24h: $
Market Cap: 268.682 B $
Percent change 24h: -11 %
About TetherUS
Name: TetherUS
Symbol: USDT
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 1 $
Volume 24h: $
Market Cap: 142.207 B $
Percent change 24h: 0,11 %
How to exchange Ethereum to Tether
The ETH to USDT calculator occupies a central place on the home page of the platform. Select both currencies in the appropriate fields of the drop-down menu, specify the value of Eth to USDT exchange, e.g. 0.01 ETH, and click on the Exchange button. After that, enter your USDT wallet address, send ETH to the generated Godex.io storage address, and the exchange service will finalize the 0.01 ETH to USDT transaction. You are wondering where to enter your personal details, Godex.io does not require them, so you will need them elsewhere but not here.
ETH to USDT Chart β Historical Price of Ethereum Expressed in USDT
See historical Ethereum/Tether (Ether to USDT) prices at Godex.io. View daily, weekly or monthly formats.
ETH to Tether Exchange Rate Overview
Cryptocurrencies are not regulated, are not tied to anything, and are driven by two fundamental factors: supply and demand.
At the same time, the cryptocurrency market has stablecoins, which combine the convenience of cryptocurrencies with the stability of fiat money and therefore can be bought or sold at a relatively fixed price at any time. Although, according to the legend, USDT is secured by the exchange rate of the US dollar, it would be more correct to say that USDT tends to the value of USD. Usually, the price difference is a few tenths of a percent, but in cases of strong market fluctuations, the price can diverge greatly.
The ETH to USDT swap rate at a given moment can be found using the Godex.io ETH to USDT converter, which will instantly calculate the average value for the conversion of this pair on the major exchanges.
ETH to USDT Exchange Benefits
On our platform, you will convert eth to tether on beneficial terms.
First, all trading is anonymous on the platform, as Godex is a decentralized exchange. This means you don't have to leave any personal info when swapping coins.
Second, there are no upper limits for trading on this platform. Therefore you can swap eth to usdt without thinking of any restrictions on this kind of operation.
Finally, Godex is one of the few exchanges that freezes your rates when you initiate trading. Therefore, even if the prices of cryptos change, you'll still receive the amount you were promised.
ETH to USDT Price Details
Tether (USDT) is pegged to the US dollar, so 1 USDT should always be around $1 (but it's not 100% equal). On the other hand, Ethereum is a highly volatile cryptocurrency, so keep track of all price changes (which happen every second). Godex.io allows you to be aware of the rate changes in real-time when you think of converting tether to eth or vice versa and learn how to do it on favorable terms.
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What are the fees to convert Ethereum to Tether?
Commissions are one of the ways for digital trading spots to make money. it is no secret that exchange services often charge higher fees than exchanges, but this is not the case for Godex. On our platform, you can exchange ETH to USDT with minimal loss of money on commissions. We operate transparently, without hidden fees.
Is it a good time to exchange 1 ETH to USDT?
The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, so it may not be suitable for investors with low-risk tolerance. For example, you may have a couple of three ETH coins in your account, but you feel that the cryptocurrency is about to fall significantly in value. In that case, you can quickly get rid of ETH in exchange for a stablecoin, convert ETH to USDT, and be prepared for the worst. And when the market goes up again, USDT can be easily converted back to ETH.
What was the highest price of 1 ETH against the USDT?
USDT is the largest stablecoin. Its main purpose is to facilitate the trading of digital currencies as well as the transfer of funds between users. The Tether exchange rate intends to be pegged to the US dollar at a 1:1 ratio. However, USDT was already showing signs of rising when its top-notch value was $1.22 and a sign of stress as the USDT/USD pair was trading below $0.99 on major exchanges. Ether is the number two crypto and the volatility of the cryptocurrency market also has a significant impact on its price. The all-time high of Ethereum was fixed at $4,891.70.
What is the limit for ETH to USDT exchange?
There are no upper limits imposed by Godex on how much you can trade, which is also one of our service's primary advantages. However, there are lower limits for traders, and they vary from time to time, depending on the market's current state. Right now, the minimum limit is 0.003 BTC (and its equivalent in ETH and USDT).
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