(MSN) exchange rate
Price for today
0,067 USD -0,75%
0,00000000 BTC -0,75%
Symbol: MSN
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 0,0669 $
Volume 24h: 44385 $
Market Cap: 0 $
Percent change 24h: -0,75 %
Price for today
0,067 USD -0,75%
0,00000000 BTC -0,75%
Symbol: MSN
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 0,0669 $
Volume 24h: 44385 $
Market Cap: 0 $
Percent change 24h: -0,75 %
Meson Network (MSN) reimagines bandwidth as a fluid commodity in the Web3 era. This protocol transforms underutilized network capacity into a digital asset, creating a DeX where bandwidth flows freely between providers and consumers. By bypassing conventional resource allocation methods, Meson taps into a vast pool of previously inaccessible network potency. The platform's architecture enables seamless scaling, adapting to the ever-shifting demands of emerging Web3 technologies. MSN tokens serve as the lifeblood of this ecosystem, facilitating frictionless transactions. As the digital realm evolves, Meson Network stands poised to become an essential conduit, channeling data streams across the expanding universe of decentralized applications. is quite interesting token among merchants, ordinary users and investors who acquire it for long-term accumulation. Accordinglyholders can use MSN for everyday payments, business and stake.
As of the 03.03.2025, 1 MSN can be obtained for 0.06690000. Explore our MSN price chart to see how its value has changed recently. cryptocurrency can be bought on one of the many reliable exchanges such as Godex. When decide on an exchange to buy MSN, always pay attention to its fame.
There are various places and ways to store MSN. To store a large sum of tokens, hardware-type wallets such as Ledger and Trezor are appropriate. If you want to use MSN for trading or paying everyday expenses, then a hot wallet (mobile or desktop) would be the good option. When decide on a wallet, pay attention to its defensive features and user-friendliness.