
Blur (BLUR) exchange rate

Price for today

0,149 USD 0,66%

0,00000155 BTC 0,66%

Market Cap
308,464,917 $
Volume 24h
3,416,909 $
  • Name: Blur

  • Symbol: BLUR

  • Circulating supply: 0 $

  • Max supply: 0 $

  • Price: 0,14923333 $

  • Volume 24h: 3416909 $

  • Market Cap: 308.465 M $

  • Percent change 24h: 0,66 %

About Blur

BLUR, the governance token powering the Blur NFT marketplace, is redefining digital collectible trading. This Ethereum-based platform stands out with its rapid-fire sweep function and intuitive design, attracting both seasoned traders and NFT newcomers. Blur's approach to creator royalties is unconventional, using BLUR token incentives to encourage fair practices. The fee-free trading environment, coupled with advanced portfolio management tools, marks a shift in the NFT ecosystem. Backed by heavyweight investors, Blur aggregates listings from multiple marketplaces, streamlining the trading process. With its pseudonymous team and innovative features, BLUR is carving a distinct niche in the evolving digital art marketplace.

Top Exchanges:

Short overview of Blur

Blur  is fairly demanded token, which is now listed on various leading crypto exchanges, including Godex.

BLUR was developed for fast, low-cost and reliable transactions using the benefits of blockchain technology. 

The current Blur price is 0.14923333 with a daily trading volume of 3416909. The circulating coin supply is 0 BLUR and it has a maximum supply of 0 BLUR coins.

You can gain the BLUR by mining, engaging in an affiliate program or by staking. You can also acquire it for other altcoin you have got.

BLUR exchange to another cryptocurrencies

These days, due to the increasing interest in BLUR, there are quite a few services where you can right away and safely exchange it for other cryptocurrencies.

To exchange BLUR, select an exchange platform that provides the required currency pair. 

At this time, more than 300 different coins and tokens are available on Godex.io, which can be swapped for BLUR without restrictions on the amount.

Follow plain instruction to exchange Blur:

  1. On the home page, use a convenient coin converter. Pick out the BLUR and write down the amount on the left. Pick out the name of the cryptocurrency you want on the right. If the rate suggested by the exchange satisfies you, click the “Exchange” button.
  2. Enter your wallet address, where the funds will be transferred after the transaction is finalized.
  3. Send the needed amount of BLUR to the provided address.
  4. After the exchange accepts BLUR, a transaction is confirmed and you get a new token to your wallet.

This same instruction can be utilized for trades involving different crypto currencies.

The whole swap process usually takes no more than a few minutes.


How to change Blur ?

Go to the exchange page on Godex.io.

If you want to trade BLUR to  another crypto, then:

  • select the “send” Coin and the ante you want to trade in the left window. And in the right “get” window, select the coin you want to take. Enter the address of your wallet where coins will be sent and click the button “exchange”.
  • Next, you will take a wallet where you have to to send the conditioned ante of exchanged coins. You have to to transfer the conditioned ante of Blur there.
  • After confirming the sending, the trade process will begin. At the time of the trade Godex.io freezes the trade correlation.
  • After completing the swap and getting the coins to your wallet, you will take data about the converting prosess.

You can also trade any cryptocurrency for the Blur . But you can not to get BLUR for USD or trade Blur to USD.

What will be the commission for buying BLUR ?

Godex allows the lowest possible trade fees to procure that your swaps are not only fast, foolproof, and anonymous, but also as profitable as feasible.

How Can You Convert Blur ?

The easiest and fastest method to swap a coin is to make an trade on the platform Godex.io. You haven’t to  to register and confirm your personality. You may just go to the site and swap the  Blur for one of the 300+ other coins.

Versus pairs