Choise (CHO) exchange rate
Price for today
0,011 USD -0,18%
0,00000000 BTC -0,18%
Name: Choise
Symbol: CHO
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 0,01109 $
Volume 24h: 69114 $
Market Cap: 4.849 M $
Percent change 24h: -0,18 %
Price for today
0,011 USD -0,18%
0,00000000 BTC -0,18%
Name: Choise
Symbol: CHO
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 0,01109 $
Volume 24h: 69114 $
Market Cap: 4.849 M $
Percent change 24h: -0,18 % (CHO) is a pioneering crypto ecosystem that's been linking decentralized and traditional finance since 2017. With over 1 million users and partnerships with 50+ financial institutions, offers an extensive portfolio of services including a crypto exchange, debit cards, and a DEX. The ecosystem is fueled by the proprietary $CHO token and aims to establish a B2B revenue-sharing system.'s strength lies in its resilient licensing framework, allowing operations in 170+ countries, and its innovative approach to combining blockchain, Web3, and AI technologies. The platform's focus on user-centric solutions and real-world applications positions it as a significant player in the evolving crypto economy.
Choise is fairly popular cryptocurrency, which is now provided on multiple leading crypto exchanges, including Godex.
CHO was designed for speedy, low-cost and secure swap using the benefits of blockchain technology.
Today Choise price is 0.01109000 with a daily trading volume of 69114. The circulating coin supply is 0 CHO and it has a maximum supply of 0 CHO coins.
You can obtain the CHO by mining, taking part in an affiliate program or by staking. You can also acquire it for other crypto you have got.
Now, as a result of the growth of interest in CHO, there are quite a few services where you can fast and without risk exchange it for other cryptocurrencies.
To exchange CHO, select an exchange platform that supports the required currency pair.
Currently, more than 300 diverse coins and tokens are available on, which can be swapped for CHO without limitations on the amount.
Follow basic instruction to exchange Choise:
This same instruction can be used for transactions involving different altcoins.
The whole exchange process normally takes no more than a few minutes.
Go to the exchange page on
If you want to swap CHO to another coin, then:
You can also swap any cryptocurrency for the Choise . But you can not to take CHO for USD or swap Choise to USD.
Godex affords the lowest possible swap fees to ensure that your swaps are not only fast, foolproof, and anonymous, but also as profitable as feasible.
The easiest and fastest method to covert a coin is to make an swap on the platform You shouldn’t to register and confirm your personality. You can just go to the site and covert the Choise for one of the 300+ other coins.