About Ethereum
Name: Ethereum
Symbol: ETH
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 3 240,38 $
Volume 24h: $
Market Cap: 402.483 B $
Percent change 24h: 4 %
About WAX
Name: WAX
Symbol: WAX
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 0,03895 $
Volume 24h: $
Market Cap: 0 $
Percent change 24h: 0,33 %
How to Сonvert Ethereum to WAXP
This page will introduce you to ETH and WAX, two smart contract blockchains that are the home for some of the most popular crypto games and NFT exchanges. Keep reading to learn how to exchange ETH to WAX, as well as discover some of the features of these two valuable currencies.
To conduct a successful ETH to WAX exchange, you will have to access a few essential tools. These include:
- A reliable cryptocurrency exchange - a good crypto exchange must provide secure, uninterrupted services 24/7 and execute transactions almost instantly.
- Market pair availability - next on your list is to ensure the exchange provides an ETH to WAX converter.
Finally, before you proceed to convert Ethereum to WAXP coin, make sure that you have a good idea of their price tendencies against one another. Historical price action tells us that these really correlate, which means that you can exploit these opportunities to make profits.
Convert ETH to WAX at the Best Rates
Godex provides some of the best rates when it comes to exchanging Ethereum to WAXP. More importantly, these rates remain fixed while your transaction is executed. This is an essential feature because it protects you from the volatility of the market.
The price of cryptocurrencies can fluctuate wildly and you could lose a portion of your profits while the transactions complete. That’s why on Godex we freeze the exchange rates until you receive your WAXP tokens in your wallet.
Choosing to use the ETH to WAX calculator on Godex will always give you the best results for swapping these cryptos for one another. So scroll up and convert ETH to WAX at the best rates now.
Ethereum to WAXP Exchange Benefits
More than just providing some of the best Ethereum to WAXP currency exchange rates, there are additional benefits available on Godex. As a user of our exchange you will enjoy the following advantages:
- Ease of use - Godex provides one of the most streamlined interfaces on how to convert ETH to WAX.
- Anonymous approach - one of the main benefits of Godex is that you will never have to provide any private details. You can start trading immediately, without registering an account or going through KYC.
- Great choice of crypto pairs - we offer the ability to swap between 300+ different cryptocurrencies. This includes cross-chain swaps like the Ethereum and WAXP exchange.
ETH to WAX Live Price
Thanks to the useful Tradingview API, we have included real-time price charts of ETH and WAX. These will be extremely useful when you are wondering how to convert ETH to WAX. Below is a short guide on how to interpret these charts:
- X-axis and Y-axis - the timeline is represented on the X-axis. Conversely, the Y-axis shows the price index.
- Price variations are represented through candles. On the chart above, each candle represents a single day of ETH to WAX price action.
- Red candles are bearish. This means that the price closed below the level it opened that day, representing a price decrease.
- Green candles are bullish. This means that the price closed above the level it opened that day, representing a price increase.
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How to Сompare ETH to WAX?
ETH and WAX can be directly compared as they are both smart-contract capable blockchains. Additionally, they are both used to create NFTs and launch decentralized exchanges. However, they differ in many characteristics, including:
- Circulating supply - neither of these cryptocurrencies has a fixed maximum supply. However, there is 1.75B WAXP in circulation versus 117.5 million for ETH.
- Ethereum is the leader for dApp deployment with more than 3000 active decentralized applications. In comparison, WAX has only 85 active dApps on its network.
- Ethereum uses a proof of work blockchain and can be mined with GPUs. All WAX tokens are premined and must be purchased on a crypto exchange such as Godex.
What Is the Limit for Ethereum to WAXP Exchange?
One of the most important benefits of Godex is that there is no limit to exchanging ETH to WAX. While other exchanges have some kind of daily limit on exchanging different tokens, there’s no such thing on our platform.
As a result, you can exchange as many ETH to WAX as you like in a single day or in a single transaction. And what’s more, you can do this entirely anonymously, without providing as much as your email address.
What Is ETH to WAX Exchange Pair?
Because they are on two separate blockchains, the ETH to WAX exchange pair is uncommon on popular exchanges. Fortunately, we provide seamless swaps between these two currencies.
- WAX is an NFT-focused blockchain that is aimed at providing developers with a cheap and efficient platform for deploying dapps and valuable digital assets. Consequently, it’s used as an exchange instrument in popular blockchain games like Splinterlands.
- ETH is the native token of Ethereum and is mainly used for gas fees when using the network’s smart contract capabilities. It’s also the home of more than 90% of the entire decentralized finance ecosystem.
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