Symbol: SHIB
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 0,000024368333 $
Volume 24h: $
Market Cap: 13.365 B $
Percent change 24h: 6,7 %
About Polygon
Name: Polygon
Symbol: MATIC
Circulating supply: 0 $
Max supply: 0 $
Price: 0,3784 $
Volume 24h: $
Market Cap: 886.63 M $
Percent change 24h: 1 %
How to Convert SHIBA INU to Polygon
On our SHIB to MATIC exchange page, you will be able to make quick swaps between these rising cryptocurrencies. SHIB is the new meme coin that is trying to dethrone Dogecoin. Polygon (former Matic) is a layer 2 solution for Ethereum that was designed to make transactions faster and cost-effective.
Trying to convert SHIB to MATIC can be considered a science on its own. Because cryptocurrencies are so volatile, the higher your knowledge of the market is, the bigger your chances of making a profit will be.
So, before you try to initiate a SHIB to MATIC exchange, make sure you have done the following three things:
- Open a MATIC wallet. This will allow you to store your MATIC tokens when you try to convert SHIBA INU to Polygon on Godex.
- Do some research on SHIB and MATIC tokens, their technology, pros, cons, and benefits. This way, you will be able to tell whether they are under or overvalued.
- Assess the price trends of both of these assets, ensuring you buy low and sell high.
- Find a reliable and fast exchange that will enable you to do SHIB to MATIC swaps conveniently and securely. Godex fills this role perfectly.
Convert SHIB to MATIC at the Best Rates
If you are looking to learn how to convert SHIB to MATIC at the best rates, you can stop digging around the internet. Godex provides the most convenient rates for cryptocurrency conversion, coupled with a great user experience, thanks to our handy SHIB to MATIC converter.
Godex freezes the exchange rate at the moment you start your token swap using the SHIB to MATIC converter. Thus, you are shielded from the volatility of the market while finalizing your transaction. You will always receive the number of tokens previously indicated in the SHIB to MATIC calculator.
No unpleasant surprises or hidden fees whatsoever. Ready to get started? Scroll up and convert SHIB to MATIC at the best rates now.
SHIBA INU to Polygon Exchange Benefits
The first benefit of executing a SHIBA INU to Polygon swap on Godex is the total anonymity of your interaction with the website. You will never have to share your credentials, and your identity will never be linked to your crypto holdings or addresses.
Other benefits of using Godex as your go-to exchange include:
- Increased security. We keep no sensitive information on our servers, and our transactions are secured with industry-leading measures.
- Convenience. Using our SHIB to MATIC converter is extremely user-friendly.
- Direct crypto transfers. When you do a SHIB to MATIC exchange, we send you your crypto directly to your MATIC wallet.
SHIB to MATIC Live Price
As we mentioned previously, assessing the price of the SHIBA to MATIC crypto is essential before you initiate an exchange. Use the candlestick charts we provide on this page. Hereβs a short overview of the information they convey:
- Every candle on the chart represents one day of the price action of SHIB to MATIC. The green ones represent a bullish trend, while the red ones β a bearish one.
- Green candles open at a lower price and close at a higher price. Red candles, on the other hand, open at a higher price and close at a lower price.
- The thin lines are called wicks and represent the highest and lowest price levels reached that day.
While it may seem complicated at first, getting the hang of these charts is essential to become a successful trader. With some experience, you should start noticing patterns and trends that form within the charts, enabling you to create precise market entries and exits.
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How to Compare SHIB to MATIC?
To be successful at swapping cryptocurrencies profitably, you need to make some fundamental analysis first. The best way to do this is to compare tokens following some vital characteristics: market cap, their underlying blockchain technology, or the maximum and circulating supply of tokens.
SHIB is an Ethereum-based token. Thus, it works on the same consensus algorithm β PoW β and is transitioning to PoS. Its total supply is 1quadrillion, which is a lot for something that was initially intended as a meme.
Polygon was designed to create various blockchains compatible with Ethereum and uses a PoS model. MATIC is a unit of payment within the system. It is also supposed to become a reward for those contributing to the network. Its maximum supply amounts to 10 billion.
What Is the Limit for SHIBA INU to Polygon Exchange?
When exchanging SHIB to MATIC on Godex, we will never limit you on how many tokens you can swap. Many exchanges will ask you to go through a KYC before you can reach a higher limit volume, but on Godex, these artificial limitations do not exist. Instead, you can freely exchange as much as you wish β all of this without even creating an account.
What Is SHIB to MATIC Exchange Pair?
SHIB is a ERC-20 token that runs on Ethereum and has its own ecosystem, including a token swap platform and liquidity mining pool with its proprietary LEASH and BONE tokens. MATIC runs on the Polygon blockchain and serves to accelerate Ethereum transactions using sidechains.
On Godex, you can exchange these tokens seamlessly, even though other exchanges donβt propose this trading pair. Simply enter the amount of SHIB you wish to convert and provide your MATIC wallet address. Once you sign the transaction, you will receive your crypto directly in 5-30 minutes.
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