
Gnosis (GNO) exchange rate

Price for today

183,15 USD 0,96%

0,00000000 BTC 0,96%

Market Cap
445,681,461 $
Volume 24h
857,856 $
  • Name: Gnosis

  • Symbol: GNO

  • Circulating supply: 0 $

  • Max supply: 0 $

  • Price: 183,15 $

  • Volume 24h: 857856 $

  • Market Cap: 445.681 M $

  • Percent change 24h: 0,96 %

About Gnosis

Gnosis (GNO) represents a multifaceted approach to blockchain tech, emphasizing accessibility and practical apps. Originating in 2015, this ecosystem has expanded beyond its initial concept, now encompassing Gnosis Chain, a robust Layer 1 network, alongside developmental branches like Gnosis Studio and GnosisVC. These components synergize to cultivate innovative decentralized solutions. The GNO token serves dual functions within this framework, enabling staking on Gnosis Chain and facilitating governance through GnosisDAO. By incubating diverse projects and fostering economic links between ventures, Gnosis aims to create a more inclusive blockchain environment. This strategy positions Gnosis as a prospective catalyst for broadening the adoption of DeFi tools across various user demographics.

Top Exchanges:

What is Gnosis?

Gnosis is quite popular cryptocurrency among dealers, ordinary users and investors who acquire it for long-term profit. Correspondinglyowners can use GNO for daily payments, exchange and holding.

What is GNO price today?

As of the 21.02.2025, 1 GNO can be acquired for 183.15000000. Explore our GNO price chart to see how its value has changed over time.

Where can I buy Gnosis?

Gnosis cryptocurrency can be bought on one of the many trustworthy exchanges such as Godex. When searching for an exchange to obtain GNO, always take into account its reputation.

Where is GNO kept?

There are various places and methods to store GNO. To store a large quantity of coins, hardware-type wallets such as Ledger and Trezor are acceptable. If you intend to use GNO for trading or paying regular expenditures, then a hot wallet (mobile or desktop) would be the proper option. When searching for a wallet, take into account its defensive properties and serviceability.


How to change Gnosis ?

Go to the exchange page on Godex.io.

If you want to exchange GNO to  another coin, then:

  • select the “send” Coin and the tale you want to exchange in the left window. And in the right “get” window, choose the coin you want to have. Enter the address of your wallet where coins will be sent and click the button “exchange”.
  • thereafter, you will have a wallet where you need to send the given tale of exchanged coins. You need to transfer the given tale of Gnosis there.
  • After confirming the sending, the exchange process will start. At the time of the bargain Godex.io freezes the exchange interrelation.
  • After completing the transaction and accepting the coins to your wallet, you will have data about the changing prosess.

You can also exchange any crypto for the Gnosis . But you can not to get GNO for USD or exchange Gnosis to USD.

What will be the commission for buying GNO ?

Godex ensures the lowest probable change fees to procure that your trades are not only fast, secure, and anonymous, but also as profitable as feasible.

How Can You Convert Gnosis ?

The easiest and fastest method to swap a coin is to make an coverting on the platform Godex.io. You shouldn’t  to register and confirm your identity. You may simply go to the site and swap the  Gnosis for one of the 300+ other cryptos.

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