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Peter Moore

Peter is a writer at As a crypto fan and a specialist who dealt with blockchain security and safety problems, today he covered crypto security topics at our blog. He does not currently hold value in any digital currencies or projects.

Crypto Currencies
7 minute read
Best Wallet for Vechain (VET)

VeChain’s biggest ambition is to become mainstream among businesses. Founders see the value of it by delivering a more effective economic model and greater scalability.

Peter Moore
Crypto Currencies
6 minute read
The Best Wallet for Uniswap (UNI)

What is Uniswap? Uniswap is a popular open-source decentralized exchange (DEX) based on the Ethereum protocol. In other words, it is a fully automated liquidity

Peter Moore
Crypto Talks
6 minute read
Crypto Cold Storage: What is a Cold Wallet?

In the era of rapid crypto space development, there are many tools for storing and managing digital assets. All options differ in functionality, reliability and

Peter Moore
Crypto Currencies
8 minute read
Monero vs Bitcoin Comparison

This pair Monero vs Bitcoin has drawn attention mostly due to their huge difference. Both are interesting projects. At writing, their price drastically differs. Still,

Peter Moore
Crypto Currencies
9 minute read
Top 7 Best Penny Cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin continues to be the main driver of the cryptocurrency market, and its price is difficult to predict because it depends on many factors. Thanks

Peter Moore
13 minute read
Top 7 Best NFT Games to Play and Invest & Earn money

Making money with NFT Games is becoming more and more popular. No wonder! After all, who wouldn’t want to increase their income by going through

Peter Moore
Crypto Currencies
5 minute read
USDC vs USDT and DAI – which is the best?

What is Stablecoin? Stablecoin is a type of cryptocurrency characterized by stability, which is achieved by pegging to fiat currencies such as USD, CNY, EUR

Peter Moore
Crypto Talks
7 minute read
Ethereum vs Bitcoin: What the best choice in 2024

Bitcoin vs Ethereum What is Bitcoin (BTC)? Bitcoin (BTC) is an electronic payment system, i.e., an environment in which two participants can make transactions via

Peter Moore