
XTZ vs ETH compare


About XTZ

  • Name: Tezos

  • Symbol: XTZ

  • Circulating supply: 0 $

  • Max supply: 0 $

  • Price: 0,94296667 $

  • Volume 24h: 712.252 K $

  • Market Cap: 925.396 M $

  • Percent change 24h: -2 %

About ETH

  • Name: Ethereum

  • Symbol: ETH

  • Circulating supply: 0 $

  • Max supply: 0 $

  • Price: 3Β 806,7833 $

  • Volume 24h: 282.306 M $

  • Market Cap: 450.143 B $

  • Percent change 24h: 0,66 %

Tezos Vs Ethereum: A Brief History

Tezos (XTZ) emerged in 2018, co-founded by Arthur and Kathleen Breitman, offering self-amending smart contracts and a liquid proof-of-stake consensus (LPoS). Its 2017 ICO raised over $230 million, marking a record at the time. Tezos prioritizes on-chain governance for smooth protocol enhancements.

Tezos' Athens A protocol upgrade in May 2019 bolstered network throughput. Subsequently, the Babylon 2.0 protocol (October 2019) simplified smart contract development and expanded functionality. The Carthage 2.0 update (March 2020) fortified the network against "selfish mining" attacks, enhancing security.

Tezos continued its evolution with the Delphi update (November 2020), slashing gas consumption by around 75%. In December 2021, the Hangzhou update paved the way for the Tenderbake upgrade, enriching smart contract capabilities.

Ethereum (ETH) debuted in 2015, conceived by Vitalik Buterin, enabling DApps (decentralized applications) and smart contracts. Its 2014 ICO pioneered the concept, raising $18 million. Ethereum introduced the concept of smart contracts and remains a dominant force in the blockchain space, hosting a multitude of DApps.

The network’s Constantinople hard fork (February 2019) introduced key protocol improvements. The Istanbul upgrade (December 2019) enhanced scalability and interoperability. Ethereum 2.0, a monumental shift to a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, commenced with the launch of the Beacon Chain (December 2020), aiming for increased scalability, security, and sustainability.

Overview of XTZ

Tezos (XTZ) is a prominent cryptocurrency that enjoys widespread popularity among merchants, everyday users, and discerning investors alike. It stands as one of the top 60 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization, attesting to its substantial presence in the digital currency landscape. This versatile crypto asset is readily available on numerous reputable digital currency exchanges, offering users the convenience of acquiring it through a variety of altcoins.

Designed with a focus on secure and swift transactions leveraging cutting-edge blockchain technology, Tezos serves as an ideal platform for both short-term and long-term investment strategies. Its innovative self-amending protocol sets it apart, allowing for seamless upgrades and adaptability to evolving market dynamics.

As of 02.06.2024, the value of Tezos stands at 0.942966666667, reflecting its resilience and stability in the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies. With its robust features and steady performance, Tezos continues to be a go-to choice for those seeking a reliable digital asset for transactions and investments alike.

Overview of ETH

Ethereum (ETH) stands as a highly sought-after cryptocurrency, enjoying widespread popularity among merchants, everyday users, and savvy investors. This versatile digital asset is readily available for purchase on a multitude of reputable digital currency exchanges, including the renowned platform Godex. As of 02.06.2024, Ethereum holds a value of 3806.783333333333, reaffirming its position as a cornerstone in the realm of cryptocurrencies. With its robust ecosystem and wide-ranging applications, Ethereum continues to be the preferred choice for those seeking a reliable and innovative blockchain platform.

Key Differences

In addition to differences in coin value, Tezos and Ethereum exhibit distinctions in various key aspects:

Circulating Supply:

Tezos: Boasts a circulating supply of 0 XTZ coins with a maximum supply of 0 XTZ coins.

Ethereum: Presents a circulating supply of 0 ETH with a maximum supply of 0 ETH coins.

Trading Volume:

Tezos: Records a 24-hour trading volume of 712252.929684903100 XTZ.

Ethereum: Displays a daily trading volume of 282305732.449827600000 ETH.

Percentage Price Change (Past 24 Hours):

Tezos: Experienced a 0.38% price change.

Ethereum: Demonstrated a -0.45% price change.

Percentage Price Change (Past 7 Days):

Tezos: Noted a 0% price change.

Ethereum: Showed a 0% price change.


Tezos: Utilizes a unique liquid proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, potentially offering higher scalability.

Ethereum: Transitioned to Ethereum 2.0 with a proof-of-stake mechanism, aiming to significantly enhance scalability.


Tezos: Boasts an on-chain governance model, allowing token holders to participate in protocol upgrades and decision-making.

Ethereum: Primarily relies on off-chain governance through core developers and Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs).


Tezos: Employs a self-amending mechanism that allows for seamless protocol upgrades, potentially enhancing security.

Ethereum: Has a robust security framework but has faced challenges, notably the DAO hack, prompting the split into Ethereum and Ethereum Classic.

Gas Costs:

Tezos: Known for lower gas costs due to its innovative consensus mechanism.

Ethereum: Historically faced scalability issues leading to high gas fees, but Ethereum 2.0 aims to mitigate this.

Use Case:

Tezos: Emphasizes security token offerings (STOs), digital collectibles, and decentralized applications.

Ethereum: Pioneered the concept of smart contracts, making it a foundation for DeFi, NFTs, and a wide range of decentralized applications.

Pros and Π‘ons of Tezos and Ethereum



Self-Amending Feature: Tezos boasts a self-amending protocol, enabling upgrades without the need for a hard fork, enhancing flexibility and adaptability.

On-Chain Governance: It employs a decentralized on-chain governance model, allowing token holders to actively participate in decision-making and protocol upgrades.

Lower Gas Costs: Tezos is known for its lower gas costs, making transactions more cost-effective for users.

Security: Tezos has demonstrated a strong commitment to security, with continuous updates and improvements to its protocol.


Adoption and Ecosystem Maturity: Tezos has a smaller developer community and ecosystem compared to Ethereum, resulting in fewer available applications and projects.

Market Recognition: While gaining popularity, Tezos may still be less recognized and adopted compared to more established cryptocurrencies like Ethereum.



First-Mover Advantage: Ethereum was the first blockchain platform to introduce smart contracts, giving it a significant lead in terms of developer and user adoption.

Largest Ecosystem: Ethereum boasts the largest and most mature ecosystem, with a wide range of DApps, DeFi projects, and NFT marketplaces.

Enterprise Adoption: Ethereum has gained traction with enterprises and large corporations for its versatility in building various blockchain-based solutions.

Large Developer Community: Ethereum has a massive and highly active developer community, leading to a rich ecosystem of apps and projects.


Scalability Challenges: High gas fees and network congestion have been persistent issues for Ethereum, though solutions are being actively worked on with Ethereum 2.0.

Governance Model: Ethereum relies on off-chain governance, which can lead to slower decision-making processes and potential centralization of power among core developers.

What Can We Anticipate in the Future for Tezos and Ethereum?

The future of Tezos and Ethereum appears dynamic, with both blockchain platforms offering unique strengths and challenges for diverse applications. Ethereum, as the pioneer of decentralized applications and smart contracts, maintains its leadership position, especially with the Ethereum 2.0 upgrades. However, the success of these updates remains uncertain, while Tezos, focusing on ecosystem development and supporting startups, strives to carve its niche. 

In choosing between these platforms, businesses should objectively assess their specific needs, recognizing that each blockchain has distinct advantages and limitations, ensuring that their choice aligns with their operational requirements.

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Which cryptocurrency, XTZ or ETH, is considered more promising for the future?

Both Tezos (XTZ) and Ethereum (ETH) are considered promising for the future, each catering to distinct markets with their unique features and capabilities, making it unnecessary to choose one over the other.

Where can I find more information about Tezos and Ethereum on Godex.io?

The Ethereum (ETH) exchange rate, as well as all the necessary information, can be found on the resource. Also, the Godex website presents the result of XTZ vs MATIC comparison, which is also useful information.

Are there any limits or fees when trading XTZ and ETH on Godex.io?

No, there are no limits on exchange volume or trading fees when trading XTZ and ETH on Godex.io. It is one of the platforms with the lowest trading commissions, and there are no exchange volume ceilings, allowing you to swap as many coins as you desire. The only requirement is a minimum amount of payment for your transaction to be included in the network.